Buy Disclosing tablets by PD Dental

Product Description

Disclosing tablets

Dental plaque and biofilm revealer

Content and packaging

Jar of 250 up to 1,000 tablets.

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Buy Disclosing tablets by PD Dental
Buy Disclosing tablets by PD Dental


The red food dye, included in a tablet chewed by the patient, forms red spots on the dental plaque highlighting where cleaning is needed. The use of disclosing tablets is also appropriate for home care to periodically monitor tooth brushing and cleaning. The used red food dye fade quickly from teeth simply by rinsing.

Product references

Jar of 100 tablets pink 11611 18.20 CHF | €
Jar of 500 tablets pink 11613 52.50 CHF | €
Jar of 1000 tablets pink 11612 94.95 CHF | €

More about this product

MAP System PDF to download

* Product availability may depend on your local regulation and product registration status.

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