Buy effervescent mouth wash tablets by PD Dental products

Product Description

Effervescent mouth wash tablets

Powerful freshener mouth wash tablets

Content and packaging

Jar of 250 up to 1 000 tablets.

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Buy effervescent mouth wash tablets by PD Dental
Buy effervescent mouth wash tablets by PD Dental products


Effervescent mouth wash tablets contain Sodium Bicarbonate and surfactants helping for removal of loose dental tissues and debris during and after dental treatment. Peppermint flavour provides a feeling of freshness. Mouth Wash Tablets dissolve into water to form a ready-to-use mouth wash solution. One tablet per glass is enough. The mouth wash solution can be used after treatment at the dental practice or at home.

Product references

Jar of 250 tablets pink 66301 19.75 CHF | €
Jar of 500 tablets pink 66302 31.55 CHF | €
Jar of 1000 tablets pink 66303 50.55 CHF | €

* Product availability may depend on your local regulation and product registration status.

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